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Wealth Creations Network

We are a community of people helping people on the road to success. Teamwork pays, try us and see what we can do for you.

Click here to join--> Wealth Creations Network

FREE File Storage

This is a great way to store your ebooks, reports and videos. It gives you a choice of sharing with others or keeping them from prying eyes. It saves space on your PC and they will always be there if your PC goes down. Never lose your files again. Store them where they will always be safe.

Everyone needs an autoresponder to keep in touch with potential customers or prescribers. List Wire has made it simple and FREE. No need to pay for a service if your list is just being built. List Wire will take care of your needs. And they have a low rate for those who have a huge list. Why not get your FREE Autoresponder now and give it a try? They will take you step by step on how to get it set up. Use your new Autoresponder with an opt-in squeeze page to build your list.

List Wire - Get Your Free Autoresponder

If you don't want to bother setting up an autoresponder you can use Gmail as an autoresponder. Here's a video that shows you how to do that.

Learn how to use your Autoreponse system to build email courses and much more.

Free Autoresponder from Mozillas Thunderbird

Free Autoresponder... ISO Register

Splash pages are:

*Eye-catching with colorful images.

*Attention-grabbing with headlines that stand out in large font.

*Short and sweet, stating what you want without taking up too much space.

*Powerful list builders when you include autoresponder form code.

*Great for including bulleted benefit lists, and so much more…

Most splash pages are a little longer than the first fold size of a computer screen, and get the message you want to impart across to your customer instantly. With our system, the best part is that it’s quick and easy to create a splash page for any program or all of the programs that you’re promoting.

Why not try out our system for yourself, and see just how easy it really is to setup a great looking splash page today?

Free members can create 2 splash pages for no cost, and you can view, edit and delete the splash pages as you desire. You can also edit the settings at any time to make any changes you wish as they’re required.


Do you know the REAL secret to making money online?

The KEY is in having your own RESPONSIVE email list...

When you have a RESPONSIVE list, you can write a short email, send it to your list and watch as the sales start coming in.

While most people understand the power of a list...

Most are confused on HOW to build a list.

If that sounds like you, then you're in luck.

I just got access to a new software program that will actually help you to build your list.

You'll get 5 of the best converting squeeze pages online, and some instruction on how to get people to join your list.

You're going to love it - and best part... it's not gonna cost you anything. Yeah I like FREE too! :)

Sound cool?

I hope you use this to build a massive list.

Thanks Shirley

P.S. - most software like this has monthly costs of $97 a month or more... but I hooked you up with a LIFETIME account for FREE. (you're welcome...)

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Enter your url and email below for free traffic to your website!

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Note: you will instantly be notified via email as soon as your site is visited!

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What is Tabzi?

Tabzi is....A New Way to Make MONEY online.

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*Social Network

*Banner Advertising

*Search Engine Style Ads

*Targeted Ads

*1:1 Traffic Exchange

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*Build followers

*and more

Squeeze Page / Splash Page - Do it Yourself Advertising Design!

Squeeze pages or Splash pages
2 incredibly powerful ways to advertise.

No, they are not the same...

#1.The Splash Page, provides a direct link to the website. These type of pages are to be used in Traffic Exchanges or in other form of advertising when you only want people to visit the website.

#2 The Squeeze Page, has an autoresponder sign up form where interested prospects can enter in their name and email address to get something free or to get to the website. There is also an email follow up series that shows members all the benefits of signing up. The follow up series will run over a couple of weeks.

These pages get great results when used through any of the numerous traffic exchanges, safelist and ezines online. Splash pages are the perfect tool for use with these sites. The splash page gives you the chance to show all of what the
website has to offer on one condensed page, giving the viewer a chance to click through to the join-up page.

But if you are trying to build a downline a Squeeze page is your best way of doing that. Always give something of quality, junk ebooks or reports will turn anyone away from wanting to purchase from you, or join the program you are asking them to join.

There are lots of free ebooks, reports, and some great software people will sign up for. Try giving away something that has a connection to your niche.

Secure Your Wireless

A laptop has become an item much like our cell phones.
You see them everywhere in fast food restaurants, at the airport, in Book stores, libraries, and don't forget Starbucks...But the question is : Are They Safe to Use???
Can anyone get to your information while using these free wireless connections to the WWW? The answer to that question is YES they can. So here is something everyone who uses a wireless connection at home or away from home needs to know. Learn more about how to protect your personal information by visiting On Guard On Line. Better to be safe than sorry. Click here---> On Guard On Line

My First Computer

Do you remember when you got your first computer?
Man I was so excited but like many other people I
didn't know anything about them. You probably
have never seen one like I had. It looked like
a medium sized box.

I think it must have come from the stone age,
even the Flintstones have one that is more up
to date than my first one.

I had to have a recorder or one of those old tapes
I think they were called 8 track
tapes or something like that. Anyway, nothing was on
this computer. You had to hook it up to a TV to use it.

This was before Bill Gates saw the potential
and started inventing what we call " windows microsoft".
If you wanted something other than a blank screen you had to
learn the codes to be able to do anything with it.

But I didn't let that stop me. I sat for hours programing
just a few lines. I was learning html, what "strings"
meant and all that other programing stuff.

And wouldn't you know it I forgot to put a tape in so
I had to spend more hours typing in the same code.

My second try was 2 lines of a Christmas song.
I finally got the first verse done and we listened to it.
Needless to say once it came to an end that was it. You
had to start all over again with the codes.

Fast forward to today.....

PCs, Laptops. Ipads, Iphones, etc.

and they made them so easy to use.

I never thought that someday I would have a Laptop(computer)
that I could carry around with me or one that has it's own
screen and is sitting on my desk in the corner of my bedroom.

Things are changing so fast now we can hardly keep up.
A newly purchased laptop is almost obsolete by the time
you get it home.

Just like computers advertising changes from day to day.
Some say social sites are the way to advertise. Some say
the old ways are not getting the results people want.

But I see that even though people want to change to a
better way of advertising, most still rely on the old
ways. We have dozens of other ways to advertise and we
use any we think might work but we always go back to the
first that was ever used.... E-mails...

The newest is now videos and I really will be happy to
see them fade away. Who has the time to listen to how
much a Guru is making every day when it's the HOW we are
all trying to figure out.

Well my dear reader I will shut up and let you ponder
on what new things are in store for all of us in the
future when it comes to PCs and all that other electronic

BTW what was your first PC like?

A Fly in My Soup

Lately I have seen more capture pages than ever in the past.
Each and every one of them has some kind of downloadable
"freebie" that is supposed to help you in some way.
So naturally I gave up my name and email address to download
a few. Doesn't everyone?

I then went to read what was in these free downloads.
While reading them I began to think of the time I found a
fly in my soup.

I know you are probably asking now how and what could be in
these ebooks or reports that would remind me of that???

You see, I was in a very up scale restaurant late one night
and the back door had been propped open so they could take
out the trash. Maybe that's how the fly got in and somehow
ended up in the soup. That's my guess anyway!

Since I had been at a meeting for most of the afternoon I was
hungry but it was too late for a heavy meal so I just ordered
the soup. When the waiter brought me the soup I didn't bother
to stir it, I don't really like the cheese and sprigs of
greenery they put on top and I didn't want to mix it up in the
soup, so I kinda eat around it.

I dipped my spoon in and took a big bite.

UMM UMM Gosh that sure did taste good.

But when I dipped my spoon in again,I looked at it on the
way to my mouth, and I noticed something was there that did
not belong. There just floating a wee bit under the red sea
of my tomato soup was a fly.

I called the waiter over and showed him the fly and here is
what he said. "Oh my gosh, it's a fly!" I looked at him and
replied "Yes, I know that, so what are you going to do about

In a very serious way he said "Well we don't want anyone to
know about this or they may charge you more, after all soup
with meat in it has a higher price"


Now I know you are smart enough to know what this is leading

You see those ebooks and reports may be free and they
may contain some good information but the "fly" in your soup
is that to implement what you need to do to earn money, so the
ebook says, you have to spend money to get started.
You may need to purchase a domain name or pay a hosting fee or
some other fee.

And right there is an affiliate link for you
to click to buy whatever they say you need. Now this is where
you should stop and think....see this is how they are really
making their money, it's not with any program it's right there
in the free ebook/report. You purchase whatever they say and
they make a commission from that sale.

Then they ask if you would like to purchase the right to
rebrand the book. To do that you have to spend more money,
but that may not be so bad if it doesn't cost an arm or leg.

But remember you will have to become an affiliate of that
hosting site or whatever the links lead to and you may even
have to pay a monthly fee to join.

Yeah the ebook and/or report is free and you may have
learned from it but I don't want to pay extra for a fly
in my soup, do you?

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77 FREE SEO Tools

Well it seems everyone has got the fever about SEO
So I want to share with my readers a link where you
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